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Avian influenza (AI) is a highly contagious and devastating disease that poses severe threats to poultry production and public health. In Nigeria, the first African country to report highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in 2006, outbreaks have caused significant economic losses, food insecurity, and health challenges. Smallholder farmers, constituting 80% of the poultry industry, are particularly vulnerable due to limited awareness of biosecurity practices.

This project adopts a nationwide scope, collecting online survey data from across Nigeria to assess biosecurity knowledge and practices among smallholder farmers. Focus group discussions will be conducted in Kaduna State, providing in-depth insights into local practices and barriers. The initiative leverages Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to create an innovative platform and app to improve disease awareness, biosecurity practices, and outbreak preparedness, underpinned by the One Health framework connecting human, animal, and environmental health.

SDG: #3 (Good Health and Well-being), #12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), #13 (Climate Action)

Sectors: One Health, Agritech, Public Health, Disaster Preparedness

Countries: Nigeria

Donors: World Food Forum, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

Duration: April 2024 - April 2025

Project Title: ICT-Enabled Avian Influenza Awareness

Project Partners: Aberystwyth University, Omeva Consultation, Neglected Disease Eradication Campaign (nedec), Arewaladies4Tech

Aim and Objectives


To develop an ICT-based platform and app to raise awareness and support biosecurity measures for avian influenza among Nigerian smallholder farmers.


  • 1. Conduct a nationwide online survey to assess farmers' knowledge gaps, biosecurity practices, and One Health awareness.
  • 2. Use focus group discussions in Kaduna State to explore local challenges and refine practical solutions.
  • 3. Design and test a user-friendly ICT platform and app to improve disease awareness and reporting.
  • 4. Engage stakeholders in co-designing a solution that addresses biosecurity challenges and facilitates better collaboration.
  • 5. Promote the adoption of the platform through awareness campaigns targeting farmers, public health officials, and private stakeholders.
Woman using ICT platform for biosecurity

Expected Impact


  • Improved awareness of avian influenza and biosecurity practices among smallholder farmers nationwide.
  • Strengthened collaboration among stakeholders through the One Health framework.


  • Enhanced biosecurity practices, reducing the risk of AI spread.
  • Strengthened outbreak detection and response systems using ICT-enabled solutions.


  • Sustainable improvements in poultry production, food security, and public health.
  • Increased resilience of farmers and communities to zoonotic diseases through the integration of ICT and One Health principles.


Poultry farming is a cornerstone of household economies and food security in Nigeria and across Africa. It provides a significant source of affordable animal protein, contributes to rural livelihoods, and plays a vital role in national economies. In Nigeria alone, poultry accounts for 33% of total protein consumption and contributes 25% to the agricultural GDP. Backyard poultry farming, which is widespread among smallholder farmers, particularly women and youth, offers an accessible and low-cost means of improving household incomes and nutrition.

However, these small-scale operations also pose unique risks. Birds often roam freely, interacting with wild waterfowls and other contaminated environments, creating a pathway for avian influenza transmission. Poor biosecurity practices, lack of awareness about disease prevention, and limited understanding of One Health principles exacerbate these risks. Surveys reveal that while 60% of farmers are aware of avian influenza, fewer than 16% understand its zoonotic implications, leading to unsafe practices like selling infected birds or feeding carcasses to other animals.

Chicken Health Check



This phase focuses on collecting essential data through a nationwide baseline survey, focus group discussions, and expert interviews. The aim is to assess farmers' knowledge levels, identify misconceptions about avian influenza and biosecurity, and understand practical and economic barriers to effective measures. Insights from veterinary experts and other stakeholders will guide the development of tailored solutions.


Based on the findings from Phase 1, an innovative online platform and app will be developed. These tools will include targeted educational materials to raise awareness about avian influenza, biosecurity practices, and the One Health approach. The platform will serve as a user-friendly resource for smallholder farmers, enabling better disease prevention and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.


In the final phase, an awareness campaign will be launched to promote the adoption of the platform and app. Through social media, agricultural newsletters, and in-person outreach, the campaign will ensure that the tools reach their intended audience. Educational videos and materials will further reinforce best practices and encourage sustainable use of the platform.


Women play a vital role in poultry production, particularly in backyard systems, where they often manage flocks and contribute to household food security. To ensure our project addresses their specific needs, we have partnered with ArewaLadies4Tech, a hub training female data scientists in Kaduna State. Their expertise has been instrumental in gathering gender-sensitive data and enabling us to engage this critical segment of the poultry farming sector. By incorporating these insights, we ensure that our solutions are inclusive and responsive to the diverse needs of the farming community.

Women discussing farming practices

Project Update

Our project to enhance avian influenza awareness and biosecurity practices among smallholder poultry farmers in Nigeria is making exciting strides.

Baseline Survey

The survey has seen great success so far, with over 50 responses collected online and 15 in-person interviews completed. We are actively seeking volunteers to help gather more data in the upcoming year. Interested? Email us at info@omevaconsulting.com or call us at 0813 777 8077.

Baseline Survey Flyer

Expert Interviews

We have interviewed several key stakeholders and are eager to engage more. If you are a veterinary professional or extension worker supporting poultry farmers in Nigeria, please get in touch to schedule an interview.

Focus Group Discussions

Collaborations with cooperatives will enable focus groups early in the New Year. If you would like us to organise one in your area, reach out for details.

Website Launch

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our website, www.birdfluwatch.org. Here, you can learn more about our project, stay updated on progress, and explore resources.

Focus Group Discussion

App Development

We have also started developing the project app, designed to deliver educational materials and real-time alerts to poultry farmers.


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End of Year Party