This review was prompted by the following research question, which was posed by the Jameel Observatory in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and Data for Children collaborative:
“How can we bridge the disconnects between food security, climate, and natural disaster early warning systems and the anticipatory actions that pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the Horn of Africa can take to overcome recurring shocks and threats to their lives and livelihoods?”
This project arose from the need to strengthen the connection between Early Warning Systems (EWS) and the anticipatory actions taken by communities to mitigate recurring shocks and threats. It focuses on closing this critical gap by developing actionable, community-driven EWS that combine traditional knowledge with modern technology.
Led by Urban Foresight (UK), the project partners with i-shamba (Kenya), Maanshiil Consult (Ethiopia), and Omeva Consulting (UK and Namibia). The initiative aims to empower pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Ethiopia and Kenya by tailoring EWS to their specific needs, ultimately contributing to enhanced food security in the region.